Minggu, 20 Januari 2019

Teks Vlog Special Trip!

Diposting oleh Ratri Nur Islamiarti di 05.18 0 komentar
Teks Vlog :

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb, welcome back to my video! Today, I'll go to Dermaga Kereng Bangkirai. Let's go!

To get to Kereng Bangkirai, we only need about 20 minutes from the center of Palangka Raya, by motorcycle or car.

We have to pay 5.000 rp to get enter.

In here local society sell many kinds of food and drink.

They are also provide tourist rides, which can be rent by tourist. Like, water duck bike, river flow, and many others.

Kereng bangkirai, can be enjoy with family, friends, or maybe your couples. Because there are manu beautiful spots to take a pictures here.

Yaa! We want to go by boat, yey. I'm so happy guys!

From the boat we can see the vast expanse of black water and plants that live on it.

In Kereng Bangkirai there are many pavilion, for tourist to rest.

Dont forget to use a safety vest if you want to play on a water rides. Because safety is number 1!

Riding a water duck bike is very fun and also make us exercise. Because, we have to scull it, so we can move.

Kereng Bangkirai is very rocemended to be destination of your vacation.

Here, we can enjoy the cool air, while waiting for the sunset.

After being tired of playing water rides, we can buy food and drinks to return our energy.

Maybe that's all for me guys, see you on the next video, and dont forget to commencomment, subscribes and like, bye!!

Kalian bisa tonton videonya di link ini : https://youtu.be/6z61sI0VgYE.

Thank you❤


Diposting oleh Ratri Nur Islamiarti di 05.02 0 komentar
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